The Ultimate Pitch Privacy Notice | Go Succeed

The Ultimate Pitch Privacy Notice

What we do with your information

The 11 Northern Ireland Councils are the joint data controllers under UK Data Protection Legislation for the personal data gathered for the purposes of entering The Ultimate Pitch Competition. By completing and submitting this form, your personal data will be processed by the Councils, in the manner documented on this privacy notice, under the lawful basis of consent and any special category data you provide will be processed under the lawful basis of explicit consent.

You can withdraw your consent to the Councils processing the information relating to your entry at any time by contacting 0800 027 0639 or via email

You may be contacted and asked to participate in promotional activities such as photographs, sharing your experiences in the form of testimonies or case studies etc . Your personal data will not be processed for promotional purposes unless you provide your consent, which will be requested separately.

Sharing your information with others

Your personal data may be shared between staff who are involved in the administration and management of this competition including Excalibur Press, who is an appointed contractor and between Council staff with the purpose of supporting an effective delivery of the service , including promotional activities .

By providing your consent, personal data and potentially special category data, which is limited to what is relevant and necessary, will be shared with the judging panel who will consist of Council staff and local stakeholders such as local entrepreneurs . There will be an audience present at the live final who will consist of Council staff, Go Succeed staff, the judges and guests invited by you.

Your personal data will not be shared or disclosed to any other organisation without your consent or unless the law places an obligation on the Councils to do so.

How long we hold your information for

Personal data is held and stored by the Councils in a safe and secure manner and in accordance with their Records Retention and Disposal Schedule.

Further information

If you have any queries regarding the processing of your personal data, please contact